Welcome to Diabetes Wellbeing

Diabetes Wellbeing Programme

Aiming to reduce Type 2 diabetes within the diverse, low-income, and hard-to-reach communities of East Birmingham. Notably, among the 5.6 million in the UK diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes;1.2 million remaining undiagnosed.

This initiative primarily targets Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups, who face higher risks: South Asians are upto six times more likely, and African-Caribbean descent individuals upto three times more likely, to develop Type 2 diabetes (Diabetes UK, 2023).

Our intervention focuses on reducing the financial burden of diabetes, projected to cost the NHS £18 billion by 2035. Through our Women’s Hub, women and mothers will access a safe space for peer support, health education, life skills, and train-the-trainer programs, targeting prediabetes and diabetes management.

Participants will gain:

  • Knowledge and skills to become Community Champion Prediabetic Educators.
  • Access to free ‘Try at Home’ prediabetes products, scientifically proven to manage blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and enhance insulin sensitivity.

The project’s new holistic, co-designed approach with NHS experts and leading diabetes groups, ensures that even the most isolated of women access necessary resources.